Fundraiser Details
Henry D. Iselin died in November, 2020 at 4.5 years old due to severe complications brought on by his weakened immune system from his leukemia treatment. We are hoping to raise money to help research better treatments to help raise the survival rate of leukemia. Some of Henry's happiest days were spent at his preschool, so we thought that would be the perfect location for a lemonade stand. We hope to see many of you there.
I'm holding a fundraiser to help Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation move one step closer to finding a cure for all children with cancer! You can join me by helping me plan this event, attending my event, or making a donation right to this page. The money you donate will pay for research to find better treatments and cures for childhood cancer. Please help kids and their families by providing desperately needed hope! Thanks for your support!